Yuba-Sutter Improv Club Celebrates

National Goof Off Day with a Spring Showcase

March 22 is National Goof Off Day and the Yuba-Sutter Improv Club is more than ready to help celebrate. Legend has it that the holiday was first inspired by Monica (Moeller) Dufour, a young resident of Davidson, Michigan. It was said that Monica had quite simply had enough of every moment of every day being dedicated toward doing something and it was her mighty ambition to set aside time for fun and shenanigans. Monica was just ten years old on the date of the day’s first celebration in 1976, and with the help of her grandfather, it became recognized as an international holiday in 1983. Once Monica explained the concept of National Goof Off Day, a local newspaper grabbed hold of the idea and the rest is history.

It just so happens that the Yuba-Sutter Improv Club has its big Spring Showcase scheduled on National Good Off Day, Friday, March 22, starting at 7 pm at the Lee Burrows Center for the Arts in Marysville. Improv is a form of theater in which most or all of what is performed is unplanned. The results are often outrageously funny. From Oscar-winning moments to Irish folklore, Women’s History, and evangelical tradition, this improvised showcase will draw its inspiration from all things spring! The goal is to leave no March stone untouched. Several new games and formats will be used in this showcase with both new and seasoned players.

While the club has recently been hosting a series of family-friendly workshops and shows at Tri-Counties Community Center, this show is aimed at adults. Tickets cost $10 per person, with drinks and snacks available in the lobby. The Lee Burrows Center is located at 630 E Street in Marysville. For more information or to reserve tickets, visit yubasutterarts.org. Inquiries about the Improv Club and its various programs can be directed to yubasutterimprovclub.org

The Yuba-Sutter Improv Club is a free program sponsored by Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture. Weekly practices are open to anyone over the age of 18 with meetings occurring every Tuesday night starting at 6:30 p.m. Practice takes place inside the Lee Burrows Center in Marysville.  In addition to offering free training in improvised theater, YSIC has become a unique social spot for a diverse group of local creatives.

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