The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts that is “designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and to encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment.” It aims to engage communities in speaking about books they way popular movies and television shows are discussed. The Art Council has been the recipient of three grants from the NEA for this program, most recently allowing our community to read a collection of short stories by Mexican writers, helping to spark conversation by bringing free books to schools and public places, organizing events, and publicizing related events. We are in the process of applying for our next grant, for the 2015-16 cycle. In the meantime, we are staging a “DIY” community read in February 2015: our Yuba Sutter Reads program will be celebrating the poetry of Emily Dickinson. Details can be found elsewhere on this site. If you are interested in this or other literary events, call the office with your questions, ideas and suggestions.